A wonderful facing portrait of Phraates III
Los 173
KINGS OF PARTHIA. Phraates III, circa 70/69-58/7 BC. Drachm (Silver, 19 mm, 4.08 g, 12 h), Mithradatkart. Diademed and draped facing bust of Phraates III, wearing necklace with medallion. Rev. BAΣIΛEΩΣ / MEΓAΛOY - APΣAKOY - [ΘE]OΠATPOΣ / EYEPΓETOY - E-ΠIΦANOYΣ / K/AI ΦIΛEΛΛHNOΣ Archer (Arsakes I) seated right on throne, holding bow; monogram below bow. Sellwood 35.5 corr. ('Darius?'). Shore 166. Sunrise 328 var. (differing monogram). Boldly struck in high relief with a wonderful facing portrait of fine style. Minor area of weakness on the reverse, otherwise, extremely fine.

From a European collection, formed before 2005.

The frontal portraits of Phraates III represent the first frontal depictions of a Parthian king on coins. The background of this unusual representation is not known, although precedents from Greek coinage are well attested, specifically for cultic images such as Arethousa in Syracuse, Apollo in Amphipolis, and Helios in Rhodes. The significant stylistic differences within the issue indicate that the transition from the classical profile to the frontal bust presented great challenges to Parthian artists. Particularly striking in this magnificent example is the very prominent depiction of the royal hairstyle and the Hellenistic diadem, which tames the wild hair above the forehead and allows its long ribbons to swing freely in the air on the left and right.
1000 CHF
800 CHF
1600 CHF
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